Cartridge Express

Cartridge Express

How can you tell a fake ink cartridge?

Look for physical red flags, such as a cartridge without plastic or pull-tape seals across the ink ports, visible damage, toner dust or leaks inside the package, or even that the cartridge feels flimsy or cheaply made.

Why is cartridge ink so expensive?

Printer manufacturers play it crafty by selling the printer for peanuts because they know that once you’ve bought it you’ll have to keep coming back to them over the lifetime of the printer to buy their ink cartridges. This is the primary reason why printer ink is so expensive; to offset the loss from the printer.

What is the difference between toner and cartridge?

What is a toner? The difference in a toner to an ink cartridge is that toners contain colour powder instead of liquid ink. These are what are used in laser printers. A laser printer projects the document onto a part called the drum.

Do refurbished ink cartridges work?

Remanufactured ink cartridges these days truly give original brand cartridges a run for their money, in both reliability and performance. Most of the time you can’t even tell the difference between the two and hundreds of customers are happy they have made the switch to remanufactured ink and toner.

Cartridge Express


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