Metropolitan funeral cover

Metropolitan funeral cover

How much is funeral cover at Metropolitan?

Get funeral cover, starting from just R40 a month. Cover up to 20 family members on one plan. Cover yourself and immediate family for up to R80 000. Cover your parents and extended family for up to R50 000.

How do I check my Metropolitan policy?

To confirm whether your policy has been accepted, you can contact your Metropolitan financial adviser, the Metropolitan Call Centre on 0860 724 724 or visit any of the Metropolitan branches.

What is a Metropolitan funeral plan?

A Metropolitan Funeral Plan offers you and your family peace of mind knowing that they are covered. Our funeral plan gives you flexibility and makes planning for ‘what if’ more affordable. You can choose funeral cover according to your family needs and how much you can afford to pay.

How long does Metropolitan take to pay out claims?

within 24 hours

Our Metropolitan policy claims process is one of the most efficient in the industry. We offer a paperless claims process on some of our Metropolitan insurance plans, and this allows us to pay up to 86% of our funeral cover claims within 24 hours.

metropolitan funeral cover


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