ABSA flexi funeral plan

ABSA flexi funeral plan

What is Absa Flexi funeral?

The Absa Flexi pays a lump sum in the event of the death of the policyholder and insured lives, allowing for easy access to the funds when you need them most.

What is flexible funeral cover?

The flexible funeral plan pays out aspecified amount of money in the event of death toaid in covering funeral-related expenses. It also gives. you the flexibility to get more benefits to specifically.

What is the maximum funeral cover for Absa?

You and your spouse can get up to R100 000 in funeral cover. Children and extended family members can get up to R50 000 in Funeral Cover. Transportation of the deceased to the nearest funeral home in South Africa is included at no additional cost.

How long does Absa funeral cover take to pay out?

Receiving your payout

If your claim is approved, and all the requirements are met and you have an Absa bank account, you should get paid on the same day. If you don’t have an Absa bank account, you should receive your payment within 48 hours, however, this could take up to 72 hours based on non-Absa bank account rules.

absa flexi funeral plan

absa flexi funeral plan


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