Apex Predators

Apex Predators

An apex predator, also known as a top predator, is a predator at the top of a food chain, without natural predators of its own. Apex predators are usually defined in terms of trophic dynamics, meaning that they occupy the highest trophic levels.

apex predators

What is the number 1 apex predator?

#1. Wolf. The wolf is the top apex predator in the world.

What is the most apex predator of all time?


In addition to being the world’s largest fish, megalodon may have been the largest marine predator that has ever lived. (Basilosaurids and pliosaurs may have been just as large.) Megalodon was an apex predator, or top carnivore, in the marine environments it inhabited (see also keystone species).

What is a predator apex?

What does apex predator mean? In the natural sciences, an apex predator is a predator that exists at the very top of the food chain. Unlike some other predators, it’s never preyed upon itself. Examples include polar bears, lions, crocodiles, and orcas.

Is a human an apex predator?

The authors also assert that humans, therefore, are not apex predators nor at the top of the food chain, being more comparable to low FTL omnivores.


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