Avon Products, Inc. or simply known as Avon, is an American-British multinational cosmetics, skin care, fragrance and personal care company, based in London. It sells directly to the public. Avon had annual sales of $9.1 billion worldwide in 2020.

What is needed to join Avon?
Join Avon Online | Become an Avon Representative. To become an Avon Representative simply apply online and we will be in touch…..all with no obligation. If you would prefer a quick set up you can join Avon online with a quick and easy video chat. Join the team and choose your exclusive Avon starter kit.
How does Avon work in South Africa?
The Avon representative shows the brochure to customers in their homes, at work, at social or leisure activities or to their friends and family. The representatives then send the orders to Avon and the products are delivered free of charge directly to the representatives’ homes.
How to start selling Avon in South Africa?
Joining Avon is free. But you will be required to pay a once off registration fee of R105. Brochure fee of R16-50 and admin fees of R28-50 applies to all orders.
Does Avon have online store?
Avon products can be bought from an Avon Representative either personally or through their Avon online store, which is easier and more convenient as you can buy anytime and your products will ship directly to you.
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