

The CaraFan Sahara CP700 Caravan Pressuriser unit keeps your caravan… DUST FREE!


What does a CaraFan do?

The CaraFan Sahara pushes out 200 litres per second of filtered air which is enough to pressurize up to a 27 FT Caravan.

What is the best caravan Pressuriser?

The Carafan Sahara CP700 is considered the best purposely designed caravan pressuriser that actually KEEPS DUST OUT!

What fan keeps dust out of caravans?

The CaraFan Sahara CP700 Caravan Pressuriser unit keeps your caravan… DUST FREE!

How much does the CaraFan dust reduction system weight?

What is the size and weight of the Carafan Sahara unit? The CaraFan Sahara weighs 8 kgs only due to the aluminium material used with the external dimensions being 675 mm x 525 mm.


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