CPUT admission

CPUT admission

Are applications for 2024 open at CPUT?

How to apply. Please note that applications for Full Research Master’s and Doctoral Studies are still possible until 15 March 2024.

How can I check my CPUT admission status?

Answer: The fastest way to track your application , is to go to http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track. You will also be able to print your status letter, as well as 

What is CPUT admission requirements?

Passes of at least five different subjects of the IGCSE and HIGCSE study levels, of which at least two are HIGCSE level subjects. A pass in the language which is the medium of instruction at the University (English or Afrikaans). Specific pass grades: IGCSE: A, B or C; HIGCSE: 1, 2 or 3.

What is the APS score at CPUT?

the Aps is calculated using the percentage score for the required subjects such as Mathematics, physical sciences, english and a 4th highest subject, but excluding Life orientation. Multiply the marks for Mathematics and physical sciences by 2 and add up all the raw scores, then divide by 10.

cput admission

cput admission


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