Are CUT applications open for 2024?
The application cycle for 2024 will opened on 08 May 2023 and closed on 30 September 2023.
Can I study at CUT with 20 points?
A candidate who scores fewer than 22 points on the CUT scoring scale in the July or subsequent NSC examination is considered to be a candidate who does not possess the necessary skills to successfully pursue a course of study at CUT under the prevailing circumstances. Such a candidate will not be admitted to CUT.
In which area is CUT?
CUT is the foremost higher education institution in the heartland of South Africa. The education university has two campuses – one in Bloemfontein, the judicial capital of South Africa, and one in Welkom, in the heart of the Free State goldfields.
How much is application fee at CUT?
an increase in overall student debt. Application fees payable There are no fees payable with the submission of the application form for admission.
cut bloemfontein

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