Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge

What does on the cutting edge mean?

the cutting edge (of sth)

the most recent and advanced stage of development in a particular type of work or activity, with the newest systems, equipment, etc.: We want to be at the cutting edge of this technology. Video games companies are always on the cutting edge in terms of the graphics.

What does cutting edge mean in slang?

‘Cutting edge’, as an adjective, refers to something that is extremely advanced and new. ( Pixabay: WikiImages) As an adjective ‘cutting edge’ refers to something that is the newest, most advanced of its kind.

What is the meaning of cutting edge style?

Something that’s cutting-edge is the very latest or the most stylish.

What is the meaning of cutting edge method?

Cutting-edge techniques or equipment are the most advanced that there are in a particular field.

cutting edge


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