Direct Axis

Direct Axis

Is DirectAxis part of FNB?

DirectAxis is a business unit of FirstRand Bank Limited, an Authorised Financial Services and Registered Credit Provider (NCRP20).

Is DirectAxis linked with FNB?

This means, for example, that DirectAxis cannot accept statements from FNB, Rand Merchant Bank or WesBank, as these companies are all part of the same group. Many loans providers make it easy for you to submit your documents via email or by uploading them on their website as part of the loan application process.

How do I check my DirectAxis balance?

You can request a statement and your balance via email, or just contact us and we will provide you with your outstanding balance. Call us on 021 764 3404.

Which bank does DirectAxis use?

FirstRand Bank Limited

DirectAxis administers loans for FirstRand Bank Limited, an authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider, and has been providing loans to South Africans for over 20 years. Loan repayment terms range from a minimum of 24 to a maximum of 72 months.

Direct Axis


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