How do I contact Discovery medical aid?
You can call us on 0860 99 88 77 or visit to activate your Maternity and early childhood benefits, find out how you are covered and to authorise your hospital admission. When you do, remember to have the following information at hand: Date of the admission.
How much is the cheapest medical aid in South Africa?
South African medical aid doesn’t have to cost a fortune. A number of income-based medical aid plans are available for R500 or less per principle member per month. Many of these plans provide excellent value, with solid cover for when you really need it and an attractive range of benefits.
How much is Discovery medical aid going up?
Discovery Health Medical Scheme will only increase contributions for 2023 on 1 April 2023, to allow members to continue to pay 2022 contributions for the first three months of 2023. The contribution increase for April 2023 is expected to be within a range of CPI + 3-4%.
Does Discovery medical Aid have a hospital plan?
All Discovery Medical Health Scheme plans offer unlimited private hospital cover.
discovery medical aid

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