DTT decoder

DTT decoder

What is a DTT decoder?

DTT is a digital TV that uses land-based (terrestrial) digital transmitters to distribute signal to your home. DTH is a digital TV that uses satellite to distribute broadcast channels in digital signal to your home.

How do I apply for a DTT decoder?

(An affidavit will be issued at the Post Office for those who have no proof of income.) Visit your nearest Post Office to register for your free DTT (digital terrestrial television) decoder.

How much is a DTT decoder in South Africa?

For people wanting to purchase a box there are several outlets available including Makro and Takealot, and a DTT set top box will cost between R600-R800.

How do I get DTT channels in South Africa?

4. What do I need to receive DTT and/or DTH digital broadcast channels?

  1. To receive from the DTT network, you will need a DTT decoder and an outdoor aerial must be installed.
  2. To receive from the DTH satellite you will need a satellite DTH decoder and a satellite dish must be installed.

dtt decoder

dtt decoder


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