Can I go to Home Affairs without an appointment?
Note: (A branch visit is mandatory to capture and\or verify your biometric details, i.e. photo, fingerprints and signature). You can also finalise your application at any Home Affairs office; no appointment is required.
How do I book a collection of ID?
In addition, clients can now book collection appointments before visiting offices, using the Branch Appointment Booking System (BABS) which is available on the DHA Website – through this link; .The Department also allows clients who may not have an …
Can I apply for asylum online?
You will need to go to the nearest Refugee Reception Office to apply for asylum.
How can I check my ID status at Home Affairs?
You must provide your cellphone number in your application so that you can receive regular updates on the progress of your application by SMS. To get the SMS updates, simply SMS the word “ID” followed by your ID number to 32551.
epping home affairs

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