What does fair price do?
Fair Price is a partially integrated furniture and appliance company. We are a Furniture Retailer (cash and lay-bye) of locally manufactured and imported furniture and appliances, with stores in townships, central business districts, suburban and regional shopping malls and value marts.
Where is fair price situated?
Fair Price have retail outlets located in Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga, Free State and Limpopo Provinces of South Africa. There are currently 99 stores and will be expanding into other provinces in the near future.
Can I buy online at fair price?
Yes, shopping online with FAIR PRICE is super safe, we have partnered with Peach Payments, a market leader and one of SA’s most trusted payment gateways, to ensure a smooth, quick and safe checkout experience.
Can you open an account at Fairprice?
You can sign up for an account either by desktop or app.
fair price

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