How do I get a refund from FNB?
- Complete the Payment Reversal Request Form in full.
- This form must be completed in full and signed by the account holder/mandated representative.
- The completed form must be e-mailed to ‘
- You will receive an automated response with a reference number for the reversal request.
Can FNB reverse a payment?
The balance available in the recipient’s account must be equal to or exceed the amount paid/received. Reversals can only be attempted within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of payment. A partial reversal/recovery of funds is not possible. A Reversal fee is charged at R313.
How do I contact the FNB credit department?
1. Phone the FNB Credit Card or Fraud Division on 087 575 9444 or +27 11 352 5910.
How do I recover my FNB account?
Quick Tips for Resetting your Username and Password (Pre-Login):
- You will need to enter your ID or Passport Number.
- You will need to enter your Card Number.
- You will need to authorise this request using an OTP or via Smart inContact.
fnb recoveries

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