Intercity bus

Intercity bus

Is InterCity the same as Intercape?

For over 40 years Intercape has been the preferred choice of intercity travel throughout Southern Africa.

How to track InterCity bus South Africa?

When you select ‘Bus Tracker’ from the Bus Status page you’ll see a map with the route of your trip. You can zoom in and out and navigate around the map with your fingers or a mouse. Select ‘Timetable’ at the top of the page to return to the Bus Status page. The bus tracker is available for InterCity services only.

Do InterCity buses have toilets?

InterCity services stop regularly for toilet breaks; however they do not have toilets or restrooms on board.

How do I contact InterCity 0800?

We don’t have an 0800 number, but you can call us for free on local phone numbers around New Zealand – all numbers divert to our national contact centre in Auckland. Please stay on the line to keep your place in the queue.

intercity bus

intercity bus