LAW FOR ALL is a South African legal insurance brand that employs innovative legal experts who are passionately committed to ensuring that our policyholders enjoy the best, most caring, dependable and comprehensive legal expenses protection in South Africa.

What does LAW FOR ALL do?
LAW FOR ALL’s mission is simple: to make the law affordable and accessible for everyone. Our award-winning team of talented, caring, and dependable legal experts will go above and beyond to ensure policyholders have access to justice and that their rights are protected.
What does Lipco LAW FOR ALL do?
LAW FOR ALL is a legal insurance brand with more than 20 years of experience. Our goal is to make the law accessible and affordable for all South Africans. Our innovative legal insurance policies ensure that clients have access to proper legal advice and assistance when they need it the most.
What is the difference between an advocate and an attorney?
An advocate is a specialist lawyer who represents clients in a court of law. Unlike an attorney, an advocate does not deal directly with the client – the attorney refers the client to an advocate when the situation requires it.
How long does it take to become an advocate in South Africa?
How long does it take to become a lawyer in South Africa? It takes at least 4 years to become a lawyer in South Africa. However, if you would like to become an attorney, you will need to complete a 4 year LLB degree and 2 years of articles for a total of at least 6 years.
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