Marloth Park

Marloth Park

Marloth Park is a holiday town situated in northeastern South Africa in the Mpumalanga province.

marloth park

Is Marloth Park inside Kruger?

The park interior remains unfenced, but is it is separated from the Kruger National Park via a fence and the Crocodile River. Two entrances can be used to enter the Kruger National Park, namely Crocodile Bridge and Malelane.

Can I run in Marloth Park?

It is unique in the fact that visitors may walk, cycle, or run with the plains game that live freely in the reserve. Marloth Park has a 15km common boundary (The Crocodile River) with the southern Kruger National Park, and offers some marvelous trials along the mighty Crocodile River and many back roads and trails.

Are there elephants in Marloth Park?

Marloth has its own wildlife and boasts four of the big five with the exception of elephant , however as the crocodile river forms the boundary between Marloth Park and the Kruger National Park you are lightly to spot elephants playing in the river.

Can you live in Marloth Park?

1.As Marloth Park was proclaimed as a special holiday township, occupation on a stand (in a house) was limited to 4month per year. Nowadays there are special conditions for retired people or inhabitants who work or have businesses in Marloth Park or nearby places. 2.

marloth park


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