Who is MBD debt collectors?

Munnik Basson Dagama Incorporated is a firm of attorneys that specialises in providing professional and bespoke legal recovery services throughout South Africa.

How do I stop MBD calls?

MBD Debt Collector – Steps

  1. If they ask for payment of the debt, request the contract in the original. … 
  2. Don’t ever acknowledge debts on phone. … 
  3. Block their numbers after designating them as MBD scam.
  4. Answer phone calls as different people. … 
  5. Tell them to eff off.

How do I pay MBD?

Please call us on 011 560 6000 to confirm which payment options are relevant and available for your convenience. Use our easy to use, digital platform to make a payment. Use our easy to use, quick pay option to make a payment. Pay your account with cash at any of the 2,000 deposit-taking ATMs from Absa.

What is the Whatsapp number for MBD?

Send us a whatsapp on 0600702655.




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