Netstar safe and sound

Netstar safe and sound

Netstar Safe and Sound Contact Details in South Africa

Netstar is a leading provider of vehicle tracking and recovery services in South Africa, offering peace of mind through innovative tracking solutions. Whether you’re a current customer needing support or someone interested in their services, having access to the right contact details is crucial. Here’s everything you need to know about contacting Netstar for assistance:

Customer Support Contact Information

1. Customer Care Helpline:

  • Phone: For general inquiries and customer support, you can reach Netstar’s customer care team at 0860 12 24 36. This number is available for assistance regarding service queries, account management, and technical support.

2. Emergency Assistance:

  • Netstar Recovery:
  • In case of vehicle theft or emergency situations, Netstar provides rapid response through their recovery services. Contact their emergency hotline at 0800 12 24 36 for immediate assistance.

Technical Support and Installation Queries

3. Technical Support:

  • Phone: If you need technical assistance related to your Netstar device or installation, you can contact their technical support team directly at 0860 12 24 36.

4. Installation Services:

  • Phone: For inquiries regarding new installations or upgrades, Netstar offers installation services. Contact their installation department at 0860 12 24 36 for more information.

Additional Contact Channels

5. Online Support:

  • Website: Visit Netstar’s official website at for detailed information about their products, services, and customer support options.

6. Social Media:

  • Social Platforms: Stay updated and connect with Netstar through their social media channels. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for news, updates, and customer engagement.

Having the right contact details for Netstar ensures that you can quickly get assistance when needed, whether for technical support, emergency situations, or general inquiries about their services. Make sure to keep these contact numbers handy for easy access to Netstar’s reliable support services.

For more detailed information about their products and services, visit their official website or connect with them on social media. Netstar remains committed to keeping you and your vehicle safe and sound across South Africa.