Phalaphala FM

Phalaphala FM

Contact Details for Phalaphala FM in South Africa

If you’re looking to get in touch with Phalaphala FM, the vibrant radio station based in South Africa, you’re in the right place. Whether you want to make a song request, share feedback, or inquire about advertising opportunities, we’ve got you covered. Here are the essential contact details you need to connect with us:

1. Phone Number:
To reach us via phone, dial 015 290 0264. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you during our operational hours.

2. SMS Line:
Got a quick message or a song request? Send us an SMS at 32762. Standard SMS rates apply.

3. WhatsApp:
Join the conversation on WhatsApp by adding us to your contacts and sending your message to 082 654 2446. Please note that this number is for WhatsApp messages only.

4. Email:
For inquiries, feedback, or business collaborations, shoot us an email at We endeavor to respond to all emails promptly.

5. Social Media:
Connect with us on various social media platforms to stay updated and engaged:

6. Postal Address:
If you prefer traditional mail, you can send your correspondence to:
Phalaphala FM
Private Bag x7422
South Africa

7. Physical Address:
Should you wish to visit us in person or deliver any materials, our physical address is:
19 Landdros Mare Street
Limpopo Province
South Africa

8. Website:
Explore more about Phalaphala FM, catch up on the latest news, and listen live on our website:

Feel free to reach out to us through any of these channels. We value your input and look forward to connecting with you at Phalaphala FM, your trusted source for quality radio entertainment in South Africa.