Who qualifies for Polmed medical aid?
Polmed is a closed medical scheme that is tailored specifically for the South African Police Service (SAPS) and their dependants.
Can you add your girlfriend on Polmed medical aid?
WHO CAN BE ADDED AS A DEPENDANT? You may register any of the following as your dependants, provided you are liable to them for family care and support and that they are not members or dependants of another medical scheme: Spouse. Life partner – any gender.
What do you need to qualify for a medical aid?
a certified copy of the main member’s identity document, tax number and a bank statement, cancelled cheque or letter of confirmation from the bank. copies of a marriage certificate or court order of a divorce settlement to prove a spousal or adult dependent relationship if required.
What is the WhatsApp number for polmed medical aid?
Add the number +27 60 070 2547 to your phone’s contact list, 2. Send a WhatsApp message with the word “Hi” to start the conversation. 3.
polmed medical aid

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