What is the purpose of SACSSP?
The South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) is the regulatory body entrusted to set and maintain standards of education and practice of the social service professionals (social work and child and youth care work) in the Republic of South Africa.
How do you check if am registered with SACSSP?
South African. Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP)
Enter search text and click the [Search] button. Search using registration number, name, surname or employer name. Results will only reflect Registered or Restored SOCIAL and SOCIAL AUXILIARY WORKERS. Reg.
What is needed to register with SACSSP?
Steps for Registration
- STEP 1: Read the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 and Regulations. …
- STEP 2: Complete the correct Form. …
- STEP 3: Read the instructions on the Form. …
- STEP 4: Include these required supporting documents. …
- STEP 5: Make sure that your application is complete. …
- STEP 6: Pay the required fees.
At which level of study must student social workers register with SACSSP?
Students social workers: Students enrolled and studying towards a qualification in social work are required to register with the SACSSP before 31 March in their second year of study.

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