SAHUC Durban

SAHUC Durban

How do I contact Sahuc?

of the SA Pilgrims who undertake Hajj & Umrah.

  1. Page · Local business.
  2. 󱛪 +27 10 001 9101.
  3. 󱤂

How much is it to register for Hajj?

A non refundable registration fee of R200. 00 (two hundred rand) must be paid by direct deposit or EFT into our First National Bank account. Account details: South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC), First National Bank – Fordsburg; Branch Code: 252505; Account Nr: 62179376754.

How do I register with Sahuc accreditation?

Step 1: Visit the South African Hajj and Umrah Council Website (SAHUC). (Link is at the end of this article). Step 2: Click on “Register for Hajj” on the right of the screen. Step 3: Follow the steps on screen then scroll to the bottom and click next after each step.

How to check Hajj application status in South Africa?

  1. Login to (Absher) Portal.
  2. Select Electronic Inquiries – Passports.
  3. Click the general inquiry about eligibility for Hajj.
  4. Enter the ID number and the Image Code.
  5. Click on (Display).

sahuc durban

sahuc durban


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