SAPS recruitment office

SAPS recruitment office

SAPS recruitment office

Are SAPS applications open for 2024?

The recruitment and training of 10 000 police officers for the 2024/2025 financial year is set to commence in July 2023. Applications will be open to young men and women between the ages of 18 and 30, in possession of a senior certificate, with no criminal record.

How much do SA police earn per month?

An average police SAPS salary in South Africa is anywhere around R18 600. The payscale for such personnel is between R8 550 and R29 600 per month, based on their skills, expertise, education, and reporting station.

Is SAPS recruiting for 2023?

Application forms are available as of Saturday, 05 August 2023 on the SAPS website: under the police trainees section. Application forms will also be made available at all police stations from Monday, 07 August 2023.

How much do police trainees get paid in South Africa?

They will go through three phases of training, including a basic training phase with a monthly stipend of R4,500 a month.

saps recruitment office

SAPS recruitment office
SAPS recruitment office

SAPS recruitment office


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