How much is Standard Bank funeral cover per month?
Get your family a funeral plan for just R44 a month | Standard Bank. Created with Sketch.
How do I claim funeral benefits from Standard Bank?
A claim must be submitted within 12 months of the death of the Life Assured. You can claim by: • Phoning our Funeral Plan Claims Helpline on 0860 123 999; or • Contacting your nearest Standard Bank branch.
What is the waiting period for Standard Bank Life cover?
A 6-month waiting period applies for all benefits. No benefit will be paid out during the waiting period except for accidental death, which can be paid out during the waiting period. A 24-month waiting period applies for death due to suicide.
What is a standard funeral cover?
Standard Bank Family Funeral Plan
For just R92 a month you get cover for you and a partner or spouse, six extended family members, and five children. Get up to R10,000 pay-out to your beneficiaries. Includes an added benefit of R3,000 to cover a tombstone. Beneficiaries get a R1,200 grocery benefit every month.
standard bank funeral cover

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