Tsogo Sun

Tsogo Sun

Tsogo Sun Contact Details in South Africa

Tsogo Sun is a prominent hospitality and entertainment group in South Africa, offering a range of hotels, resorts, and casinos across the country. Here are the contact details you may need to get in touch with Tsogo Sun:

Customer Care and General Enquiries:

Head Office Address:

  • Physical Address:
    Tsogo Sun Holdings
    Montecasino Boulevard,
    Fourways, Sandton,
    Johannesburg, South Africa

Social Media:

Stay connected with Tsogo Sun through their social media channels for updates and customer interaction:


For careers and job opportunities, visit their Careers Page on the official website.


To make reservations or inquire about bookings, visit the Tsogo Sun website or contact their central reservations team.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

Learn more about Tsogo Sun’s community initiatives and corporate social responsibility programs by visiting their official website or contacting them directly.

Additional Information:

For more detailed inquiries or specific needs, Tsogo Sun provides comprehensive information on their website and through their customer service channels.

Tsogo Sun strives to provide exceptional hospitality and entertainment experiences across South Africa. For the latest updates and offerings, visit their website or follow them on social media.

This information should help you get in touch with Tsogo Sun effectively.