What does XDS do?
We provide insights and intelligence to support businesses to make better choices and smarter credit decisions as they focus on finding the right customers to grow profitably.
How do I contact XDS for free credit report?
a) This request can be made by calling XDS on 0860 937 000 or emailing informationofficer@xds.co.za and using the subject : “Data subject access request “or you can register on the XDS Direct to Consumer service “Splendi” at to access your credit report which contains your personal information.
What is a good credit score for XDS?
XDS Credit Score Categories:
840 – 1000 Very Good. You will get new account facilities without any problems. You will also receive low-interest rate offers from registered lenders. 760-839 Above Average.
How much does it cost to get a credit report?
Once you’ve received your annual free credit report, you can still request additional reports. By law, a credit reporting company can charge no more than $14.50 for a credit report. You may be able to view free credit reports more frequently online.

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